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Industrial Data Management Systems



MEDUSA NEST is an application that nests part geometry, taken directlyfrom a MEDUSA 2D sheet, and writes the resulting nest of parts back outto a standard MEDUSA 2D sheet. It can then be accessed by a down streamapplication, such as MEDUSA Sheet Metal Manufacturing (SMM).MEDUSA NEST can automatically nest like parts and interactively nestunlike parts. MEDUSA NEST performs all graphical viewing of the initialpart to be nested and outputs the result in MEDUSA 2D Design.MEDUSA NEST can be set up interactively, at run time, or alternatively inbatch mode, from a preconfigured setup. The nest output will includestock sheet boundary, part profiles, top trim line, edge trim line, andclamping strip. MEDUSA NEST can output to the MEDUSA sheet information,intended for use by MEDUSA SMM and enable MEDUSA SMM to automaticallymachine the nest.

Language: C+, MEDUSA Application Programming Language
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: MEDUSA 2D revision 12.1
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

100 Crosby Dr MS: 14-13
Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: (617) 275-1800
        (800) 225-1614
Fax: (617) 275-4842